Hinduism - What Is Bhashya Of The Brahmasutra?

A commentary (bhashya) on Badarayana's Brahma Sutras, a collection of 555 short aphorisms (sutras) that constitute the foundation for the philosophical system known as Vedanta, written by the philosopher Shankaracharya. 

The Advaita Vedanta school of Indian philosophy is defined by this commentary. 

Shankaracharya starts his inquiry by establishing the Self as the foundation of all knowledge, since the actuality of the one who knows can never be questioned. 

He calls this knowing awareness the everlasting Self, or atman, which, despite the vicissitudes of the physical bodies it occupies, never changes throughout time. 

The perceivable universe is obviously susceptible to change, according to Shankaracharya, and therefore is not the Absolute Reality, which the philosopher defines as the unqualified, unchanging Brahman. 

Shankaracharya sees atman as the same as Brahman, based on the Upanishads. 

He claims that human people' misery and spiritual enslavement are caused by their misunderstanding of this connection, which leads them to mistake this perceptible world for the Ultimate Reality. 

All ties are shattered and the individual achieves complete freedom with the elimination of this erroneous notion.

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