Hinduism - Who Is Mayashiva?


 ("Illusionary Shiva") is a term used to describe a person who is Jalandhara, a demon, takes the shape of the deity Shiva in Hindu mythology in order to seduce Parvati, the goddess, into having sexual intercourse with him.

Jalandhara has been unable to defeat Shiva in the battlefield, so he seeks to weaken Shiva's might by jeopardizing his wife's loyalty.

Jalandhara appears in the appearance of Shiva to Parvati, but she is so distrustful of him that he is unable to satisfy his wants.

When Vishnu (in the shape of Jalandhara) seduces Jalandhara's wife, Vrnda, Jalandhara's authority is finally undermined in the same manner.

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