

Sanatana ("eternal") is a Sanskrit word that means "eternal." Dharma.#

 The ultimate and everlasting moral order of the cosmos, according to dharma literature.

It is presented in the Vedas as an everlasting ideal design (the oldest and most authori tative Hindu religious texts).

This pattern must be maintained in order for society to remain stable.

All components of religious obligation (dharma), including common religious responsibilities (sadharana dharma), religious duties based on social rank (varna dharma) and stage of life (ash rama dharma), and personalized religious duty (dharma), all attempt to maintain and fulfill this system (svadharma).

Hindus have recently coined the word "Hinduism" to refer to the religious tradition known to the outside world as "Hinduism." #

Sanatana Sampraday is a Sanatana Sampraday is a Sanatana Sampraday The Nimbarki religious group is also known as Nimbarki.

The community's historical founder was the philosopher Nimbarka, but the true founder, according to the Nimbarkis, was the divinity Vishnu himself.

Sanatana ("everlasting") was the name of one of Vishnu's disciples, thus the sampraday's name.