Hinduism - What Is The Gandiva In The Mahabharata?

Gandiva is the name of Arjuna's bow in the Mahabharata, the later of the two major Hindu epics.

Arjuna is the finest archer in the universe and the third of the Mahabharata's five Pandava brothers.

Gandiva was created by the god Brahma and handed to Arjuna by the god Varuna (who is associated with the sea) at the request of another god, Agni ("fire").

Agni makes this request because he wants to "devour" (burn) the Khandava forest but is fearful of interference from the deity Indra, lord of the storms, in the form of rain.

Arjuna uses his bow to build an arrow canopy that protects the forest from Indra's storms, enabling Agni to devour the forest in peace.

Arjuna uses this bow for many years until returning it to Varuna by tossing it into the sea at the end of his life. 

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